There is no doubt that we are passionate about this country and we hope that the site will encourage others to see the potential here. And although we do like adding a personal touch, you can be guaranteed that if we do write about brushing our teeth, it would’ve had to have been the most titilating experience of teeth-brushing ever! Remeber that you are welcome to submit articles for publication on our site – visit the Submit Info section for more info.
]]>I also believe that its time our people hear it as it is, and they realise what is going on, with still maintaining a positive attitude and outlook and to learn to love our country.
Furthemore you guys are doing a great job with the website, I think if you stick to intelligent, on edge, with a bit of wit on the side articles and information for us readers, people would naturally be drawn to this site.
KIR! (Keep it real)
It’s great to see so many bloggers encouraging people to vote!