Metallica frontman James Hetfield in the pouring rain at the 2006 Durban Coke Fest.
Photo by: Katrine Anker-Nilssen
Nice shot, did use film speed setting of 800 asa or higher to get the shutter speed with the long lense?
Thanks I can’t actually remember what settings I used, I was so caught up in the moment! Had managed to get a press pass and was standing less than 2m from the band… But I did use my Canon EF 24-70mm lens.
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Nice shot, did use film speed setting of 800 asa or higher to get the shutter speed with the long lense?
I can’t actually remember what settings I used, I was so caught up in the moment! Had managed to get a press pass and was standing less than 2m from the band… But I did use my Canon EF 24-70mm lens.