How cool is this business idea? Ever ridden a bicycle to work or college only to arrive with sweaty clothes? Well, a new innovation from Penny Farthings Pushbikes (PFP), called the Green Pod, creates a useful and eco-friendly solution.

The pod, comes in two forms, one that has a single shower, 10 lockers and space for 10 bikes and the other with double those facilities. According to PFP, the pod’s features include “a solar hot water system, electronic locking system, LED lighting activated by motion sensors, timed showers and a grey water treatment unit that discharges grey water into green areas”.

The pod also has a self-cleaning system that works similar to one found in hi-tech public toilets that can detect when no one’s inside and automatically self-locks for cleaning. Only registered users can access the pods via swipe cards. Nifty!

Why not try and partner with the creators of Green Pod or alternatively, create a similar concept for colleges and large office blocks in South Africa?

Visit their website for more info: