You might have heard everyone talking about RICA and the fact that you have to register your cell phone’s SIM card. But I bet you thought it was only for those buying a new SIM card, hey? Well I am sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not. Everyone who owns a SIM card will have to register it. So in order to make it slightly easier for you, we’ll explain briefly how it works and what you need to do.
In terms of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act (RICA), the compulsory registration of all SIM cards in use came into effect on 1 July this year. All mobile operators and service providers will have to register the identities, physical address and cell numbers of all their new and existing SIM card customers - both contract and prepaid!
So if you’re an existing customer, in other words if you own a cell phone (with a SIM card), you need to register before the end of October 2010. Because if you don’t, your SIM card will be deactivated.
Why do you need to register? Because RICA is a legal requirement from Government, and all customers with cell phone numbers on cellular networks in SA must comply with the law. And because you can help to make South Africa a safer place, as this law aims to help law enforcement agencies to identify the users of cell phone numbers and track criminals using cell phones for illegal activities.
We know that just about everyone in South Africa has a cell phone - whether they’re living in Sandton, Khayelitsha or in the Drakensberg. So you might ask yourself - how on earth are we going to ensure that everyone registers in time? Well, that’s for the RICA dudes to figure out. You just worry about your own SIM card, now! So bring your ID book or passport along with proof of address, such as a utility bill, to a cell phone provider store near you.
For more information, contact your cellular network’s Customer Care Centre or visit their website.
Hi guys, I see lamb potjie is still no one! Can I take a day off work and go get my phone registered? preferably next week Wednesday
All good here, look forward to seeing you all on next week.
Sistah! So nice to hear from you! Yes, good old lamb potjie is still number one…we wonder what will ever top it! Sorry, desperately need you back, RICA is going to have to come to us I think!
What about Thursday then……. Im only joking, can’t wait to get started again, nothing can keep me away from limelight, not even jet lag, accumulated hangovers or RICA. Speak to you soon. xx