Nothing about South Africa is artificial and I take it we all agree that it doesn’t snow over here in December, so may I be so bold to suggest that we do away with fake Christmas trees and the whole white-christmas-thing. South Africa is colourful, magical, vibey and sunny – let’s celebrate this by using matching elements in our Christmas decor.
Get a real tree or just cut off any branch from a tree in your garden. You can always create a new Christmas tradition by planting a tree for every Christmas tree you use. Or re-plant the tree you bought until next Christmas.
As for decor, think out of the Christmas box:
African theme
Think funky angels and colourful balls made of wire and beads.
Natural theme
Cream coloured material angels and other natural elements such as little gifts wrapped in hessian or brown paper, raffia, wooden beads and the like.
Magical theme:
Use a branch without leaves, spray-paint it white and decorate it with tiny white lights only.
Rainbow theme:
Our vibrant rainbow nation consists of many different cultures and flavours - let this reflect in your decorations by combining different textures, fabric and colours, such as crystal, wood, beads, tinsel (or not) etc.
Let’s create our own local Christmas flava. As long as the message stays the same, the packaging can be changed to mirror the spice that our country has to offer!
Draw your inspiration from nature and everyday-life happening around you. We would love to hear from you, even better, send us photos of your proudly South African Christmas decor!
I completely agree! America is one of the most prominent countries in the world, and we do tend to follow behind like an adoring little sister, copying everything she does (good & bad)! But lets face it Christmas in South Africa is radically different to Christmas in the states. Why not embrace our beautiful country and make “South African” ornaments? What a great idea!
There are some beautiful african craft decorations in a lot of small decor shops – we should support these guys and embrace an African Christmas!
That’s the spirit, girls! Talk is cheap and commenting on blogs even cheaper. Now send in those photos so we can see what a real South African Christmas should look like.
[...] it doesn’t stop here. Oh-no. Start a new family Christmas tratition: Do Christmas the South African way! Share and [...]
[...] it doesn’t stop here. No! Start a new family Christmas tratition: Do Christmas the South African way! Share and [...]
Oh goody!!! I thought I was the only one sick and tired of fake green Christmas trees and snowy landscapes. Viva SA!! I try to do a different tree each year. 2 years ago I had a wonderful tree which was a dried “stinkolie bos” which is a weed, decorated with baubles and lights. Last year it was a minimal tree with pieces of wood -never thought of taking pics
– and I’m still working on this year. Sent off wonderful cards from Flowermill though, which are loudly and proudly SA. Will send you a pic, and of the tree later on as well.
Have a good one!!!
It’s such a nice feeling bumping into other likeminded people, even if it’s in an electronic fashion. Can’t wait to see you tree!
I have down away with reindeer and snow on all my christmas things this year! WE LIVE IN AFRICA! be proud stand tall! We are a country in our own right and have been a while, why would be want to follow in the footsteps of USA? come on!!!!!!
A “garing boom” also makes a magical christmas tree!
Loads of love
We are with you, sista! Send us some photos of your proudly South African tree.
Will do
Hope everyone has HEAPS of fun making and decorating! x