Can You Solve The Puzzle?
Ok, now I don’t think you will need to revise on algebra for this and it certainly doesn’t use as much grey matter as yesterdays headscratcher… phew that was a hard one.
Each Pattern is worth a certain value. The values are 3 consecutive odd numbers under 10. With 6 segments, there are 6 values, with the total sum being 16. What is each pattern worth?
weave = ?
brick = ?
mosaic = ?
Good luck everyone.
should i say it here? close your eyes…(weave is 3, brick is 1 and mosaic is 5)
Well done Superjerm, I only got to this post now, have had a busy day in the office.
For the record – I did solve it before looking at the comments
Well done Jeremy.
What happened to you yesterday Chris, we had quite a head scratcher and no response from you, could have been too difficult maybe?
Must admit, I’ve been incredibly busy and upon looking at the puzzle I decided I couldn’t schedule enough time to solve it
But surely someone with your maths ability, would have been able to solve it in minutes, no scheduling necessary.
Honestly, it’ll take a bit longer; I think the real problem is the concentration at the moment, if that makes sense?
Is it the end of year ‘can’t concentrate’ or generally a ‘gatvol, cant concentrate” scenario
Along those lines, ye, more worried that my brain might physically explode!
Not to worry, it’s almost the holidays, you’ll probably miss all the brain teasers
and intellectual banter with all the Phuthu ladies.
Most definitely!