Maths smaths, numbers shnumbers, I mean who needs algebra and trig anyway. Sorry Chris but I have made an executive decision, it’s time for words games again. Yyyyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyyy!

Puzzle 1

Puzzle 2

Puzzle 3
Three puzzles, three different answers which will be published in tomorrows Biz tip idea
1. Never in a month of Sundays
2. Split second timing? Not 100% sure on this.
3. Long time no see – Typical for me to take 10 minutes to notice that the “C” is missing in the alphabet
Anyway, bring the math
Yay well done Chris 100% correct! Speaking of maths problems, there is still an outstanding problem you have not answered yet. I refer o the post titled “Brain Game: A warm-up for tomorrow” Come Chris you slacking
Oooooh goodie! I’m amazed I actually got these.
Oh ya, I’ll see if I can find some time to pop back and take a look