My man and I are doing the Dusi Canoe Marathon tomorrow – our first one in 3 years. We’ve done a grand total of 4 training sessions so we’re in tip top condition for the 120km event.

Needless to say it should be an interesting one for the heart, lungs, triceps and biceps.

But the real cool thing is that we’ve got a bright orange boat decorated with colourful Phuthu stickers. So even if we don’t look too hot, at least our boat will.

The technique is to use soapy water to position them well and then wipe off any bubbles with a dry towel.


The Phuthu gals helped me stick em on. Thanks dudettes :)


This must be my favourite sticker…..


…After this one…


This one is kinda cute too…


Orange and green..Laaaik it?


Have a look at the two pics hanging on the wall in the background. That’s my man in his wild day. He’s calmed down a milli-fraction since then. Now you can understand why he always wants to go down the difficult rapids which almost cause me to have a coronary.

Wish us luck! Please. Need it.