The Phuthu Girls show off their undies
We can actually not be bothered by answering a personal question today so we came up with an alternative group effort: We’d give you a glimpse of our underwear. Yeah, that’s right. And this on a Tuesday – how good can this week get?
See if you can figure out whose are who’s.
Okay, so this is us: Kerry, Louise and Elzet…
And this is our underwear:
Gotcha! Made you look!
Now tell us which pair of shoes belongs to which Phuthu gal.
I know! I know!
No-one is leaving a comment! Do you think the topic is a bit too, uhm, naughty for their liking? Maybe they are just so ticked off to find shoes while expecting undies that they couldn’t be bothered to connect the pretty little dots?
a. is definately Louise’s. I know because I trip over them reguarly since the are usually strewn all over the passage! b. must be mamazet’s since those look the most sensible which leaves c. = Kerry
So right you are, Jeremy. We love you for commenting!
Sorry for commenting so late… been busy
OK so now Jeremy has given it away already, but I would have guessed it right of course. My orange shoes are missing though, and Kerry’s moonboots should be there too!
Oh ya, katrine’s orange crocs were missing……
Hehe. Never had any orange crocs, but still have my orange leather sandals from Morocco… If there were grandfather-grey stokies there, I wonder who they would belong to?
I would’ve been wrong. I know b is Mamazet’s, but said to myself c must be Louise’s for running, ect ect. And I thought I know people.