Monday 31st May
How South Africans impacted the world
I came across this video on South Africans who had an huge impact on the world. This clip improved my posture dramatically -
I traded my laid-back way for an upright stance..
yeah, that's right, look at us, we did stuff! [READ MORE]
Friday 28th May
Fly the flag dudes
Driving around today I was amazed to see how many cars have SA national flags on their mirrors, car aerials and or dash boards. A patriotic display of this scale by all races has never before been seen by me in this country! The roadside flag hawkers are d [READ MORE]
Zapiro cartoon gets SA talking.......again
A court rejected an overnight bid by Muslim advocacy groups for an injunction to prevent the Mail & Guardian from printing a controversial [READ MORE]
Thursday 27th May
Can You Solve The Puzzle?
1. Can you spot the problem with this sentence?
Wednesday 26th May
Riaan Manser talks about his adventures through Africa
On Sunday my man and I went to the Durban Botanical Gardens to listen to South African adventurer Riaan Manser speak about his trip around Africa and Madagascar. We took our picnic basket…okay it was more like a Woolies [READ MORE]
Tuesday 25th May
The new R200 perfectly acceptable!
An email has been doing the rounds, urging South Africans to exchange all R200 notes before 01 June 2010, as no R200 note will be accepted thereafter. According to the email the bank will apparently exchange R200 notes up to the amount of [READ MORE]
Monday 24th May
Handy DIY flu tips to get you through winter
I am a big believer in the prevention-is-better-than-cure philosophy. Like a good, loyal soldier, I go for my flu jab every year. The fact that there is a serious lack of flu vaccinations this year first fille [READ MORE]
Friday 21st May
SWC Anti-climax in the tourist industry
Do you remember last year how everyone was abuzz with the possibility of being able to hire out their own house as guest accommodation for the traveling masses looking to support their country in this year’s Soccer World Cup [READ MORE]
Thursday 20th May
Can You Solve The Puzzle?
Can you identify these Hollywood celebrities based only on a picture of their eyes?
Wednesday 19th May
I know I shouldn't but I did..
I did a 23km mountain bike race this weekend. And a 20km race last weekend. I know I know I shouldn’t have with being pregnant and all but I’m a cautious individual; I really am...and besides, cashew was chomping at the bit to get some fresh air. So do [READ MORE]