Question: What car would you absolutely love to drive (no need to be realistic) and which one would you hate to drive?

Love: Range Rover Sports
Hate: Red Ferrari

Love: Astin Martin DB9
Hate: Fiat Multipla

Love: Jeep Cherokee (green)
Hate: A red BMW (any model)
Kerry wins ugliest car hands down!
I must admit, kerry’s Fiat Multipla is the uggliest friggen car I’ve seen in my life! Suf.
Red seems to be a common one, reeks of “i have a small willy”!
HAVE to agree with Kerry.. always see those cars and start mock-charging!!! eeeeeeuw!!!
Ya, I don’t get why anyone would want to be caught dead in a car like that, I don’t care how it drives or how spacious it is. Maybe we should start a Facebook group and call it “We hate the multipla and so should you” see how many members we can rustle up
A few weeks ago in JHB at the car hire they nearly gave me one of those. I lay on the floor, kicked,screamed and held my breath till the gave me a Renult Logan instead…………!