Project 1 :Photo a day for a year, week 1.
Wow, this is going to take a lot of commitment! Think about setting out to take a picture everyday! Week 1 the theme was bicycles. I have decided to use a compact camera for this project, my weapon of choice being a Lumix LX3. It’s bit of a cheat because it has many of the functions of a dslr including RAW. My friend Roy is also doing this project and we are taking turns to set a subject each alternate week. I’m waiting with anticipation for next weeks subject of which I’ll be informed tomorrow morning!
The images can’t all be masterpieces but the project forces you to think about a set subject and experiment with different angles, composition, techniques and processing techniques to try and make the images interesting. It also teaches you to try and think laterally and not literally. Hopefully I’ll get better at this as I go along.
This is my first weeks effort:-
17 January. The office bike. This wire bicycle has been in my office for ages. It’s a start!
18 January. The unwanted yellow rocket. I quite liked the natural light from the single window.
19 January. Blistering heat.
20 January. I loved the warm sunlight and the patterns coming through the curtain in the afternoon sun. The result wasn’t that great though.
21 January. Here I have experimented with an overhead angle to try and create an unusual composition.
22 January . Bling. Here I have used an off camera flash, the result is harsh and direct but I like the result.
23 January. The ghost in the mech. I used a 2 second exposure here and moved the camera in toward the subject while the wheel spun.(my compact can’t zoom and expose at the same time!) I like the movement it shows and the feeling of precisely functioning machine parts.
Well done on Week 1! I can imagine the commitment. I would get gatvol and then do 4 pics on Day 1, chill a few days and then rush off to quickly make up the last 3 on Day 7. But that’s just me. (Like 21 and 22). Go Louisa!
love the bling shot Germ.
Nope, this is Jems project so GO JEM!
I agree with Elzet, a-pic-a-day-for-a-year would destroy my appetite very quickly. So I’ll stick to 3 or 5 ‘keepers’ out of 1 or 2 sessions per week. Not sure where or how to make mine visible; not really Facebook stuff, and we have no family website.
Okay Jem, week 1 is over, subect of BIKES is now closed. This week’s subject is THE ROAD, thanks to my wife’s wife’s creative side.
Roy, you can send us your pics with text and we can upload a post for you…How does that sounds?
Jeremiah, you never cease to amaze me!
Oops. Go Jem, then!
I was thinking by myself: Myself, this woman really just doesn’t know when to stop. Is running a business, raising a child, cycling and who knows what else not enough??
Makes sense. Jem doesn’t have that much to do, he can easily pull this off
Yup, my goal is just to manage a post once every two weeks!
Cool project though ey!
Thanks for the comments guys! I must confess there was a day where i did do2 on one day!
This weeks topic set by Roy is “the road” which should be interesting!
Marmazet, shouldnt you be hanging out with your new best friend the Greytown panelbeater?