The Phuthu Girls share their plans for the year

Bouncing our way through 2010

The Phuthu Girls mix some words and rhythm

…this is what came up:

The Stick Women Behind

Let us introduce ourselves

Thursday 3rd Dec
The Latin way

Zumba - Ditch the training, come to the party!

Oh my soul, did I find something so refreshing, so hot and so exuberant! And I'm not talking Nando's sauce or zinger wings. Nope. I'm talking Zumba. To be expressed with vigour and volu [READ MORE]
Wednesday 2nd Dec
The good life

SA rank in top 10 for quality of life

According to SA Good News, expats ranked South Africa in the Top 10 for the quality of [READ MORE]
Thursday 19th Nov
...and so on

Thabo Mbeki singing karaoke

I had a good laugh when I saw this clip the first time.. and every time thereafter. Zapiro has Thabo doing his number on Idols... and so on and stuff like that. [READ MORE]
Wednesday 21st Oct
Tell me how?

How to Renew your Driver's License

Having just been through the procedure of renewing my driver's license, I thought I'd make it easy for you and let you know exactly what you need to do! The first thing you should do is check the expiry date on your license. Don't wait until you [READ MORE]
Our 5c's worth

Crime: Phuthu Women tell it like it is

Dear Phuthu women Thanks for encouraging all of us that chose to stay in this beautiful country without judging those that chose to emigrate [READ MORE]
Friday 9th Oct
Lunar Secrets

Is there Water on the Moon?

NASA has sent a rocket and a spacecraft to the moon to look for water, and today at 11h30 GMT the rocket (and four minutes later the spacecraft) will race into the moon at 9 000 kilometres per hour and kick up 10 k [READ MORE]
Thursday 8th Oct
Our beaut!

WOZA 2010!

Durban's pride and joy, the Moses Mabhida Stadium AKA Durban's soccer stadium is making great progress. By now you should all have gaped past the stadium in utter amazement and awe. Yes, she is looking damn fine, dontcha think? [READ MORE]
Register now!

What is RICA and does it apply to me?

You might have heard everyone talking about RICA and the fact that you have to register your cell phone's SIM card. But I bet you thought it was only for those buying a new SIM card, hey? Well I am sorry to disappoint you, but it's not. Ev [READ MORE]
Wednesday 7th Oct
Brace yourselves

Zapiro gets his way after all

After 2 years of trying to get their puppet show onto SABC, Jonathan Shapiro and Thierry Cassuto have decided to give that a miss and instead turn to the internet . [READ MORE]
Monday 21st Sep
Well Done Guys!

Did You Know?

Did you know, that The Springbok rugby team are the first team ever, to win all their rugby championship titles and be ranked World number 1, all in the same year? No other team have ever been able to achieve this amazing feat. Our Boytjies currently ho [READ MORE]
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