Today was the first step in our long and challenging journey to the Absa Cape Epic 2016. Both overweight and unfit, team camel and hungry headed out for their first of many rides to come. A nice cool day allowed us to lay down our first 20km ride.
Our ride in the 2009 Epic has to rank up there with the most rewarding things I’ve ever done, mainly because I got to do it with my wife and best friend. A lot has happened since 2009, most noteworthy was the arrival of Thomas, William and baby Oliver. Let’s just say, they crashed the party and our fun slips came to a screeching halt. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldnt change it for the world but I would be lying if I said I didn’t long for the challenge and adventure again. It’s these challenges that yank us out of our comfort zones and allow us to continue to grow. Anyway, so after watching this years Epic, Loo pipes up , ” let’s do the epic again next year” needless to say I thought about it for a couple of nano seconds…….. Waiting for 3pm last Monday was exhilarating to say the least. That was the time that the early bird entries opened. Both of us sat there from 2:50pm refreshing every couple of seconds. Then suddenly I was in!
We were one of the lucky ones, our entry accepted and we paid immediately, there was no turning back now. I look forward to the training and that feeling of unstoppable fitness. I look forward to the challenge of juggling everything and fitting in the training. I look forward to the discipline and discomfort that we will need to embrace. I look forward to the anticipation and excitement of getting our logistics and equipment perfectly prepared. It’s not going to be easy, there’s the small matter of 3 exceptionally busy and energy-sapping little people. The main thing will be for them to all be looked after during the 9 days we will be away and we have the peace of mind knowing that they are ok. That’s where we bring in the whole cavalry . We plan to enlist a battalion of grandparents, neighbours, friends, babysitters and maids. Whatever it will take to keep the boys safe and happy whilst we are away. Make no mistake, it won’t be easy, it will be the first time we will both be away from the boys and I know we will miss them terribly. When we do, we will take a step back and get some perspective. We will think of the Malawian lady we met today who leaves her children for a year at time so she can come to South Africa and earn a little money to feed them. Our task is a walk in the park by comparison ….. I’m loving that tinge of excitement in anticipation of Cameltoe and Hungrybum’s bonding adventure to come. Peace out dudes.
]]>So I really wasn’t re-doing the nursery…I had a perfectly good one waiting for its third use.
And then one day I had a look at things a little more closely….the carpets and the chair were looking a little, mmm well-used. The curtains had holes in them (sent them to the dry-cleaners and the result wasn’t pretty), and the mobile and felt wall hangings were in pieces. So with things looking a little shabby, plus, me having what is certainly my last baba, I thought this was my last chance to enjoy creating a new room for our baby bear I mean the baby would certainly be up in arms if it knew the curtains had holes in them! Wouldn’t you? Yuh see!
So I proceeded tra la la la la..
Firstly, let me just say that we kept the owl and the sheriff bunny from the previous nursery – they are too cute and too loved to live in any other home but ours (forever). I got a few prints laser-cut but the words on the one below are especially for moi…when I feel tired and broken and I’m asking myself what I’ve done…I can read those words and know that tomorrow is a new day, and that even those sleepless nights will eventually pass. Because we all know that perspective eludes us mums sometimes…often.
How cute are the little moccasins my friend bought me? And the little pine tree cushion!!? Tsaaaaa!!
Good frugal me (hee hee) just re-covered the chair and ottoman and refurbished the old clock. So it wasn’t all new, I re-loved the pre-loved
That deserves a chest pump, right?!
Run wild. My boys are good at that and I have no doubt that this little one will be the same. Boy or girl!
So your room is ready and waiting my little wolf cub! Whenever you’re ready, we’re ready. Your brothers talk about you all the time and promise to give you a dummy when you cry. So loved already, and we only know you as a big ball in mum’s tummy. Have a safe journey little one, we’ll see you soon. The biggest of loves, Mom, Dad, Tom and Will. X
So he arrives home and I show him expecting this absolute appreciation of this ladies artwork and to do a little aaaaaaaaaww out-loud. You know, as men do.
Jem: *pulls deadpan expression* *eyes go slightly glazed*
Me: Hun! Look, it’s our little familia…see two big birdies and two little birdies. Aren’t they soooooo cute?
Jem: *Eyes go big and makes crazy look* *appears to be at a loss for words* *really tries not to exaggerate the crazy look*
Me: Hunni, let’s start again. Let’s pretend you really really really really Ruh-Huh-Heally want to get lucky tonight (not that you will because this is just pretend play right).
Take 2 ——————-
Me: Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa - Look, it’s our little family hunni…see two big birdies and two little birdies. Isn’t it soooooooooooooo cute?
Jem: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww. *Makes sparkling eyes* *raises eyebrows* *jaw drops* *hand over mouth in astonishment* These are incredible pieces of art! Where did you get these???????? Such masterpieces! Such beauty! Shall we hang them on the wall now??? *looks at each one with wonderment again*
Me: :)
Anyway, he got lucky.
And I get to buy another cute birdie
Feb 2015.
*laughs nervously*
The end.
Or maybe not.
Just kidding.
I don’t know.
They all received Camp Sunshine t-shirts, survival torches and emergency supplies (raisin rations) in their welcome packs. Here is Will very proud of his shirt!
Welcome packs for the happy campers!
The popular raisin rations…
Welcome to Camp Sunshine!! Oh Happy Day!
All the art supplies ready and waiting. And all this play dough kindly given to all the kiddies by Morgan’s mom Jo and Aunty Andrea. Thank-you!!!
Morgan’s daddy was kind enough to pitch all 3 of these tents in our garden!!
The kids absolutely LOVED playing in them! If ever you feel like entertaining your kids in your backyard, just pitch a tent!!
Hello Morgs!
Tsaaaaa! Such good friends!
We also had a teepee tent on loan from Aunty Gina, which Will thought was the coolest thing, like, ever!!!!
We had the most perfect weather the whole week…
Miss Sophia!
And after a hard morning’s play, they all sat so beautifully around the tables and ate their food!
But not before they said grace! Liam looking so angelic…
Shirts drying in the sun after some messy play!
And then it was time for ring time where they sang and learnt all about camping. Hearing these little ones sing together…it’s just such a simple pleasure, I never get tired of that sound!!
These are the camp teachers; Philiswe, Angie and Rebecca. We could not have held this holiday camp without these amazing women! Truly passionate and compassionate caregivers, thank-you.
Levi tucking into his raisin rations!
They made “fires” with their hand prints and “torches” they could eat!
Oh and the ice-creams offered a few minutes silence. Little Erin tucking in
All the boys together…
The blue-eyed girls, Mama G and Colbi.
TomTom just loves his Angie Ang!
And at the end of the day, they enjoyed story time with Ang.
And then we held a little Camp Sunshine Party on the Friday….you can see more photos on our SunshineShabby blog