Phuthu Stay Phut, Don't go!

We Love South Africa

The Sanders' Family Blog

The adventures of CamelToé HungryBum and baby Tom

CamelToe & HungryBum HungryToe Tom Frank & George chillin!

Slap that dough!

Just come back from another amazing chef dinner club! My muffin top is uhmm expanding sadly but man those Portuguese custard tarts were worth it!!!


Cath hard at work with the fairy dough!


More hard work. No wine at all.

No carb servings whatsoever!


After battling to think of a meaningful way to describe “slapping the dough” when preparing dough for making foccacias, we thought just to make a video. Stay tuned for the recipe on This is how you roll and fold dough my friendies…

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So fresh it’s still swimming

In the middle of china town lies the fresh food market. My Chinese hosts suggested I do not enter but the brave heart inside me thought it would be interesting to see.

At first lots of the usual, nice fresh fruit and veg



As I headed deeper inside the smells became stronger and the sights more scary


The fish was so fresh it was still swimming


But my personal favourite and one just for my lovely Loo, ” honey, please can you pick up a sack of fresh, live, giant bullfrogs for dinner on your way home please?”


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“More than toilet”

China has some strange eating establishments but this must surely take the cake?


“More than toilet” is a restaurant decorated with toilet and bathroom equipment. The wall are adorned with toilets and urinals….


The drinks are served in urinal shaped bowls and the patrons are seat on toilet pans



Even the ice cream comes with a twist.


At least it’s proof that the Chinese do have a sense of humour!



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Welcome to china, china.

It’s been many many years since I have had to go overseas on a business trip and certainly the first since our two little offspring appeared on the scene.

So Monday was a little bluer than normal. I hadn’t been looking forward to it. After another fun weekend with my little family, I, with a heavy heart and misty eyes, had to say goodbye to all of them for a week. Lou was fine, she understood it was a good work opportunity, Woowoo was fine, he’s a little too small to notice that I was not there but it was little Tom I was most upset for. A baby at 2 years and 10 months, he knew something was up, he didn’t want me to go, and too small to understand why. Amazing how intuitive small children can be, apparently the whole way to school he was saying ” daddy come back daddy come back” heartbreaking:( I hope he will have a busy week an not miss me too much:)

I promise to bring him the best toy “rubbish truck” ( his favourite toy) in china and the best ” motorbike ” for Woowoo.

I really do feel for people who have to travel extensively for work……

So, china should be interesting….

Technology has also changed a bit since I last travelled…..

An iPad app to navigate the undergrounds….

A device charging plug on the plane….

I look forward to seeing china, an busy exciting land of industry and energy (an smog I’m told!) lets check it out !

Ok so I arrive in Hong Kong early and the morning and catch my connection to shanghai . Nice and warm, 7am here and already 29 degrees! I had heard that 10 people had died in a heat wave last week! Hong Kong airport is as western and “normal” as any other airport I have ever been to (this excludes south america and most African countries other than SA!)

Hong Kong from the air was surprisingly pretty and clean. The closely packed sky rise buildings are surrounded by lush green mountains, calm blue sea, uninhabited islands and secluded little white beaches. Something you would expect to see in the med……

So when in china do as the Chinese do. I figure I should try the Chinese lunch option on my connection flight . Beef something or other…… It turned out to look a bit like boiled beef in a bowl of sperm. I didn’t ask exactly what it was, rather not know ….. The a host said “add lotta pepa” which I did, didn’t taste too bad though……









This is B and G.
They are like tea and cake – they just go well together.
I luffs tea and cake.

This is Amy, Toms girlfriend.
That’s what Tom thinks anyway.
She’s ultra cool. And classy.
And pretty. And she loves my boy.
And Tom luffs her.
And I luffs her.

Here’s Georgie. Woo thinks she’s kinda nice. Kinda funny.
No actually, she’s witty.
Yes, witty! Smart. Full of beans.

And damn she makes a fringe look cool!
Luff this kid.

My boys can marry into the B&G gene pool anytime.
But before that, we need em out of nappies!


And here is B drinking tea like a girl.
Just an observation :)



Look Ma, No Hands!