We descended on Cape Town this weekend, along with 40 000 other Argus competitors and their families. We hired a car which was terribly non-descript, so much so that we lost it whenever we parked it anywhere hahaha. Tip: Don’t choose non-descript car.
We stayed at the Garden Court in Woodstock, thanks to Dutton Plastics. And it was here at the Garden Court that I discovered 7 things:
- I love buffets
- but only when I’m real hungry…which is all the time.
- Green jelly tastes much better when you take it from a buffet. With a tablespoon of cream.
- You need to put your bread through the toaster conveyer twice to get a good Maillard reaction.
- Tea with 1 Cremora sachet and 2 mini-long-life-hotel-milks deliver a darn good cup of tea.
- Eat baked beans in moderation.
- There are a lot of French people in Cape Town. They didn’t mind the croissants either. I thought they would have been fussy about that but I saw them piling them up for breakfast. Swear.
I really didn’t spend that much time at the buffet.
On Saturday we drove our little non-descript around the peninsula and stopped at the Salty Sea Dog in Simonstown for battered hake. My little soul was dancing in her tap shoes.
We also stopped off at Cape Point which was like Durban beachfront on New Years Day. Packed! But it was a good walk and we succumbed to the role of tourist by taking pics of everything really.
At 6.15am on Sunday Morning, hair blowing very sexily in 40km/hour wind, we stood on the bridge just below the hotel and tried to get a glimpse of Lance Armstrong.
Whhoooooosh. And they were gone. All I know is that he is somewhere in this bunch. Who wants to play Where’s Wally?

My man started at 9.00am whilst I tried to navigate little non-descript to the Waterfront 4km away. I had a GPS and still got lost. I had the women’s voice going:
Enter roundabout and take first exit
Turn left
The recalculating representing all the times I was ignoring the directions. It was definitely a liberating experience. Who needs a GPS anyway? Pfff.
Shopping was so not on my to-to list so I listened to the musicians and enjoyed the sunshine. Aaah they impressed me, they just keep singing for hours and then I couldn’t resist anymore and bought one of their CD’s.
My man loved the ride, he checked out the scenery and chatted to people and didn’t even make mention of the gusty wind. What a trooper!
Well done to Juan and all the Dutton riders!