Phuthu Stay Phut, Don't go!

We Love South Africa

The Sanders' Family Blog

The adventures of CamelToé HungryBum and baby Tom

CamelToe & HungryBum HungryToe Tom Frank & George chillin!

Phuthu Makeover – Our New Family Blog!

Yes, is now officially the place of our family blog! I’m sad to say goodbye to the old Phuthu because we put so much time and effort into it but from next year we are 2 staff members down – Kerry is on maternity leave and Elzet in Greytown, and we just don’t have the time to maintain the frequency of posts. So instead of abandoning our pet project, I decided to turn it into a family blog where Jem and I could continue the “Sanders Life” section and still write about South Africa but from the perspective of our life and adventures here!

So welcome to our new family blog! What do you think?

More posts to follow soon…but for now, here is a photo of our little cutie pie, the centre of attention right now, none other than little TomTom Sanders!


Little Periwinkle – Thomas James Sanders- finally arrived!

Beware:  Soppy post ahead!

I thought the day would never come – but time is relentless, isn’t it? Our little Periwinkle came on the 25th October 2010, 2 days after his due date.

My labour was long and challenging but the moment this little life entered the world and was placed on my bare chest for me to hold, the intensity of the pain and fear was replaced with this overwhelming sense of  joy…the kind where you’re sobbing and gasping for air you’re so happy. It was a moment of absolute clarity – there I was holding this new life on my chest, all slippery and warm and not really believing that this little life before me was actually real! Amongst the sobbing and laughter was this unbelievable moment in our lives that we wish we could hold onto forever…

words cannot explain it..

Mentally and emotionally I couldn’t have done it without my man, Jem. He went through all the pain with me, watched me and tried to comfort me through it.  With hormones all over the show and adjustments all around, this past week hasn’t been easy either… and I’m sure the next few weeks will be challenging too…BUT…my man has given me the most incredible support and perspective any new mother could wish for, and I feel like such an incredibly lucky girl…

So, without sounding too soppy….I never thought it possible to fall any more in love with the man you already love. Well folks, it’s possible. The love thermometer burst its glass casing.

I love you Jem – my husband, friend and father of our gorgeous little boy. Always.

Physically I couldn’t have done it without my gynae Dr. Candice Roberts. She’s one in a million. She encouraged me, gave me tough love at times, but most importantly was so very patient in the final hours of my labour – which were in the wee hours of a Monday morning! She never pulled out the forceps or suction and I’m thankful for that – she allowed me to have the natural birth I had always wanted. Most gynaes won’t let you push for longer than an hour, so I’m told…she allowed me to push for over an hour and a half, remaining the epitome of calmness throughout . She coached me through every step of the way and took on the role of head cheerleader as well!

Candice, you were born to be a doctor there is no doubt about that. Please keep practising this gift you’ve been given…!

Our little boy is already a week old.

Life starts out with a lot of ‘firsts’ – here is his first bath in hospital

How cute?

He seems to have my lips…

And Jeremy’s feet…

And the youngest, wrinkliest hands ever…

And a look of intrigue and adventure in his eyes..something he must get from his father….

We love you little Thomas James.


Handmade by Superjerm

My man always says that my ideas translate into work for him….and I guess, for the most part, that would be true. He just knows stuff.  And besides, my ideas give him a chance to use the extensive collection of power tools that live in our garage…all fully justified purchases!

So since little periwinkle didn’t arrive last weekend, I thought the nursery and the menagerie of owls in there, could do with a pretty wooden tree. So on Monday, after consulting with my man on exactly how to make this pretty wooden tree, I bought the wood and accessories, drew on the template and then watched in excitement as he cut it out..

There is something incredibly attractive about watching a man making something for his unborn child..

*Heart melting*

On Tuesday Jem sealed it and sanded the edges and on Wednesday we cut and stuck on the leaves and door knobs.

And wallah…the tree – handmade by my Superjerm!  Isn’t it the cutest tree ever ever ever?

Thanks hunni


A poem by Jem’s mom

My hubby asked me to post this for him..very inspiring:

I suppose it’s the imminent arrival of baby peri that’s making me feel a little soppy. I dug up this beautiful poem my mom wrote for me when I was born. She only showed it to me a few years back.”

When first I saw you

A crumpled form with face

So reminiscent of a mouse

You greeted me not, though

I had known you these past months

Known every movement of your new found limbs

Your waking moments and your times of peace

You knew me not but gazed at me with sightless eyes

And tiny fingers grasped the air and caught it not

But you have grown a burbling, bubbling bundle

So full of life’s delights

A bumbling, falling, crying child with smile to stir

And move the very soul

A golden boy with eyes the colour of earth’s own antiquity

Which sparkle at the sight of me and unknown objects

promising adventure, and much much more.

And in repose, an angel

Your look of innocence belies the naughty twinkle

in your eyes

Your restful limbs make mock of dancing, bouncing

Jumping joys

And sleeping body takes its rest to once again

Resume the task of living life.

“Love you mom and dad..”


Little Periwinkle’s Nursery

I think I’ve finished nesting. The sheets and clothes have been washed, the nappies are stocked up, bags are packed and the nursery is complete!

I went with lime green (surprise surprise), blue and chocolate brown – I think it’s fairly neutral for boy/girl..

So here it is:

How cute is the rug?

I put a lot of owls on the walls to watch over our little one whilst he/she sleeps..

This is where all the action will take place – nappy changing and more nappy changing! Something I know Peri’s daddy will be very good at!

My sister made this mobile for me (well, for peri) – it’s too precious for words don’t you think?! Thanks Heathie!

And then there is the doorstop…crammed full of love.


Peri’s coming!

Officially, it’s 3 weeks time, unofficially its a weeks time! I’m getting ready for our lives to change…..forever! Little Peri/Shewy/Melly,Baskety is coming soon! “Do you know what it is?” that is the number one question everyone asks. “its a baby I think” is my standard answer.

But before all that, I need to get all my equipment ready for the big day!

This is what I need…….

1. Cigar. Im not sure how to drive this thing but I’m gonna try.

2. Champagne. This is a very fancy bottle and I have absolutely no idea how it made its way into our cupboard.

3. Helmet Cam. To film the action. Watch this space.

4. Wellington boots. In case it’s messy!

5. Photo of Peri just to make sure it’s really him.

6. Stem cells kit. (serious stuff)

That should be it for now. I’m also armed with the knowledge from the Antenatal class last night that I now know how to bath a newborn.

I think I’m finally ready! Come on Peri daddy is waiting for you!